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Did you know?...
More than 40% of people who leave a voicemail or fill out a web form wait two or three days before they hear back. What does this mean for you?
1) You can increase the number of your new clients by never missing a chance to respond to a call or web registration.
2) Blow away your competition by developing a reputation for taking care of clients as soon as they reach out.
Customer Service is the Key to Growth.
It does not matter how great of a lawyer you are if you do not have any clients. If you want to continue to grow your law firm, you must focus on customer service. Happy clients refer your firm to others, and it is not that hard to make sure this happens. It is just a matter of providing your clients with good customer service.
The neediest clients and customers in any field are those that are already upset and fearful. That describes many clients in legal proceedings. Do not miss the chance to be there for your clients when it counts for them the most.
Be as accessible to potential new clients as well as old ones through a dedicated round-the-clock service that is non-time-consuming, skillful, and unnerving to you. Focus on the important side of the business and leave the rest to us. We offer the following services to Attorneys to help them survive and thrive sooner than planned.
- Answering Service
- Contact Centre
- Outbound Survey/Response
- Customer Email, Chat, and Web Support